A Plague Tale: Requiem is an upcoming action-adventure video game developed by Asobo Studio and published by Focus Home Interactive. It serves as a sequel to the critically acclaimed A Plague Tale: Innocence, continuing the story of Amicia and her younger brother Hugo as they navigate a plague-ridden, medieval France.
Set in a dark and atmospheric world ravaged by the Black Death and infested with swarms of deadly rats, A Plague Tale: Requiem follows Amicia and Hugo's journey as they struggle to survive against both human adversaries and supernatural forces. The game blends elements of stealth, puzzle-solving, and narrative-driven gameplay as players guide the siblings through harrowing environments filled with danger and despair.
While specific details about the gameplay and storyline of A Plague Tale: Requiem are still limited, it is expected to expand upon the themes and mechanics introduced in the first game, including the use of light and shadows to avoid detection, crafting tools and traps to overcome obstacles, and fostering the bond between Amicia and Hugo as they confront the horrors of their world together.
With its hauntingly beautiful visuals, gripping storytelling, and emotionally resonant characters, A Plague Tale: Requiem promises to deliver an unforgettable experience that builds upon the strengths of its predecessor while introducing new challenges and mysteries for players to unravel.