“Detroit: Become Human” is a narrative-based adventure game developed by Quantic Dream and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. Released in 2018, Detroit: Become Human is set in a future vision of Detroit, Michigan, where society coexists with robots designed to serve humans in various capacities.
The game takes place in the year 2038, in a world where highly advanced robots, known as Deviants, have begun to exhibit emotions and free will, leading to conflicts between humans and androids. Players follow the interconnected stories of three android heroes - Connor, Kara and Marcus - as they navigate Detroit's complex social and political landscape.
The game emphasizes player choice and its consequences, with the narrative branching based on the decisions players make throughout the game. The choices the player makes can greatly affect the outcome of the story, leading to multiple endings and differences in character relationships, events, and overall narrative direction.
Detroit: Become Human features a cast of characters, each with their own unique perspective and story. Players control Connor, an advanced robot tasked with hunting down deviants; Kara, a housekeeping robot who becomes self-aware and runs off with a young girl; and Marcus, a makeshift robot who becomes a pioneer in the robot revolution.
The game offers a variety of dialogue options and interactive choices during conversations and interactions with other characters. Players can choose how to respond to different situations, shape relationships between characters and influence the direction of the story.
Quick Time Events (QTEs) and action sequences are integrated into gameplay, requiring players to perform specific button prompts or gestures to navigate through intense action sequences, escape dangerous situations, or engage in combat encounters.
The game has been praised for its stunning graphics and vibrant animation, which contribute to the immersive storytelling experience. Detailed environments, realistic character models, and cinematic presentation enhance the game's visual appeal and emotional impact.