“Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice” is an action-adventure game developed and published by Ninja Theory. Released in August 2017, it is known for its unique blend of intense action psychological horror, and storytelling.
The game follows the journey of Senua, a Celtic warrior who embarks on a quest to rescue the soul of her deceased lover from the Norse underworld of Helheim. Senua suffers from psychosis, suffering from hallucinations, delusions, and severe mental anguish, which are depicted throughout the game.
The gameplay in Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice combines exploration, puzzle-solving, and visceral combat. Players must navigate through frightening environments inspired by Norse mythology, solving environmental puzzles and overcoming obstacles while fighting other enemies.
The combat system relies on timing, accuracy, and strategy, with players using a combination of melee attacks, dodges, and blocks to defeat enemies. Senua's mental state affects gameplay, as she suffers from visual and auditory hallucinations that can distort her perception of reality and provide clues to solving puzzles.
One of the hallmarks of Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice is its depiction of mental illness and trauma. The game was developed in collaboration with neuroscientists, mental health professionals and individuals with lived experience of psychosis to ensure an accurate and respectful representation of Senua's condition.
Stunning and visually stunning, Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice features detailed graphics, surround sound design, and motion-captured performances that bring Senua's journey to life. The game's narrative explores themes of loss, grief, and redemption, providing players with a deep and thought-provoking emotional experience.