Horizon Forbidden West is an action role-playing game (RPG) developed by Guerrilla Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. Released in 2022, it is the sequel to the critically acclaimed Horizon Zero Dawn (2017). Set in a post-apocalyptic world where humanity has fallen and mechanical creatures roam the Earth, Forbidden West continues the journey of Aloy, a skilled hunter and marksman, as she ventures into new lands to uncover the truth behind a mysterious and deadly plague and stop a dangerous new threat to the survival of the world.
The game expands on the gameplay elements introduced in Horizon Zero Dawn, delivering an open-world experience with stunning visuals, rich storytelling, and enhanced mechanics. Set in the Forbidden West, a vast, unexplored region filled with diverse ecosystems, new characters, and formidable machines, Horizon Forbidden West pushes the boundaries of the Horizon universe, combining action-packed combat, exploration, and puzzle-solving with a deep and emotional narrative.
In Horizon Forbidden West, players once again take control of Aloy, who is on a quest to discover the source of a mysterious plague known as the Blight, which is sweeping across the Earth and threatening the survival of all life. After the events of the first game, Aloy is now the world’s best hope for saving the planet from imminent doom. She sets out to explore the Forbidden West, a vast region spanning California, Utah, and other parts of the western United States.
Along the way, Aloy encounters new tribes, including Tenakth and Quen, as well as an even more dangerous threat than before: Nemesis, a rogue AI seeking revenge. In her quest to stop the plague and the apocalypse it has caused, Aloy uncovers secrets from the past, learns more about her origins, and encounters new enemies in the form of powerful machines and hostile human factions.
The game expands on the world-building created in Zero Dawn, delving into the mysteries of the ancient world, exploring the history of the AI GAIA, and addressing the question of how humanity can rise again. Aloy’s journey is one of personal growth and a desire to protect her world, while uncovering uncomfortable truths about the nature of life and death and her place in it.
The world of Horizon Forbidden West is vast, dynamic, and filled with diverse biomes to explore. From lush forests and abandoned cities to snow-capped mountains and sunken ruins, Forbidden West is a massive landscape that offers a variety of environments, each with its own ecosystems, resources, and secrets.
The world is designed for vertical exploration, as players climb cliffs, scramble through ruins, and use Aloy’s new tools to traverse challenging terrain. The game introduces swimming as a primary mechanic, allowing players to dive underwater and explore submerged areas filled with hidden treasure, underwater machinery, and ancient relics.
Aloy’s arsenal has been expanded with new weapons, including the Sharp Bow, Bolter, and Archer, as well as powerful spear attacks. Players can also use new combat skills such as melee throws and precision targeting to take down enemies. The addition of new abilities and elemental attacks (such as shock or fire) adds more depth and strategy to combat.
As in the first game, defeating machines requires identifying and exploiting their weaknesses. The Focus ability, which allows Aloy to scan enemies and pinpoint weak points, returns and is upgraded to make it even more useful in combat and exploration.
Horizon Forbidden West continues to tell Aloy’s story, but introduces a cast of new characters, factions, and tribes, each with their own beliefs, motivations, and conflicts.