Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is an open world action-adventure stealth game developed by Kojima Productions and directed by legendary game designer Hideo Kojima. Released in 2015, it is the ninth installment in the Metal Gear series and serves as a prequel and sequel to the events of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (2014). The game follows the story of Venom Snake, a man who awakens from a nine-year coma to rebuild his mercenary group, Diamond Dogs, and seek revenge on those who ruined his life.
The game represents a dramatic departure from the linear, mission-based structure of previous Metal Gear games, embracing a vast open world environment that allows players to explore and engage in various activities and tackle missions with a high degree of freedom. With a strong focus on stealth, strategy, and player choice, The Phantom Pain brings a new level of immersion, delivering a deeply personal and emotionally charged narrative while maintaining the series' signature complex storytelling.
The game takes place in a variety of locations, including the Middle East, Afghanistan, and the African continent, each of which provides unique environments and challenges for players to navigate.
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain features open-world gameplay, giving players the ability to choose how to approach each mission, whether through direct combat, stealth, or creative tactics. The game offers a wide range of features to enhance gameplay:
Open-world design: The game world is vast, filled with different terrains such as mountains, deserts, and forests. Players can freely explore, gather resources, complete side quests, and interact with the environment. The world feels alive, with dynamic weather systems, day-night cycles, and random events that impact gameplay. This open-world design encourages exploration, giving players the freedom to approach missions from different angles and using a range of tools at their disposal.
Stealth and tactical gameplay: As with previous Metal Gear games, stealth is a key element of gameplay. Players can choose to infiltrate enemy bases and outposts undetected, using a range of stealth tactics such as infiltration, distraction, and non-lethal drops. The game offers a rich array of tools, weapons, and vehicles, allowing players to customize their approach to each situation. Guard position intelligence is also advanced, with guards using realistic patrol patterns and responding to environmental changes and player actions.
Base Building and Management: The game introduces the concept of a home base, where players manage their resources, recruit soldiers, and upgrade their equipment. As players complete missions and recover resources, they can build and expand their base, further strengthening their operations. This feature ties into the larger narrative of the game, where players build an army to confront forces threatening the world.