Monster Hunter: World is an action role-playing game developed and published by Capcom. Released in 2018, it is the fifth main entry in the critically acclaimed Monster Hunter series. The game introduces new features, while retaining the core gameplay that made the franchise so beloved. Monster Hunter: World has been a huge success, attracting both longtime fans and new players to the franchise, thanks to its engaging gameplay loop, stunning visuals, and accessible design.
Set in a massive open environment, the game features co-op multiplayer and deep progression systems, as players assume the role of a Monster Hunter tasked with killing or capturing massive and dangerous creatures that roam the world's wilderness. The game features complex combat mechanics, crafting elements, and exploration, making it a unique blend of action and strategy.
Monster Hunter: World takes place in a world known as the New World, a vast and unexplored continent home to a host of dangerous and powerful monsters. The story revolves around a hunter, a member of an elite group of warriors, who embarks on a quest to explore the new world and uncover the mystery behind the emergence of a mysterious, ancient dragon named Zorah Magdaros, which is wreaking havoc on the ecosystem.
Although the primary focus of Monster Hunter: World is on action and combat, the game features a story that explores themes of ecology, balance, and the relationship between humanity and nature, as well as the mysteries of ancient dragons - gigantic, ancient creatures with powerful abilities.
Monster Hunter: World builds on the series' core gameplay loop, with new features that make it more accessible and engaging, especially for beginners. The game focuses on hunting monsters and using their parts to craft new weapons and armor that improve the hunter's abilities. The game blends combat, action, exploration, crafting, and multiplayer elements, creating a highly replayable experience.
The game features a complex and highly tactical combat system. Players engage in epic battles with giant monsters, each with their own unique attack patterns, weaknesses, and behaviors. Players can choose from a variety of weapon types, each with its own playstyle.
Monster Hunter: World features a diverse array of monsters, ranging from smaller, more agile creatures to towering, massive beasts. Each monster has unique behaviors, elemental traits, and patterns, requiring players to adapt their strategy to take them down. Some monsters are aggressive and will chase the player, while others may attempt to escape once they are hit.
The environments in the game are varied, with each offering its own challenges and advantages. Some notable environments in Monster Hunter: World include .